Tuesday, May 19, 2020

American History America Now and Then - 2171 Words

America: Now and Then Humans have a tendency to to change with time. Human are the most intelligent creatures and can adapt and survive in any environment. People evolve as time changes. It is human nature to want for new things and new change. United States changed a lot since the mid-1400s till today. Some are good, some are bad. But even though change is inevitable, there are lot things that are still common. Some things never change. From the time Columbus discovered America till today, a lot of things have changed. He is known as the father of this country. Even though he didn’t have the end that he deserved, he is the reason for this great country to bloom out of sheer darkness. Great leaders like Thomas Jefferson have played an†¦show more content†¦Many are lobbying for an adaption that goes both ways. And many are rejecting society’s old definition by their own definition.† Gender equality is, first and foremost, a human right. Empowered women are the back bone of the economy. Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of whole families. Women are the heart and soul of a family. Back in the days, all women did was take care of the family. They had no say on the important matters. They were to stay at house and do all the household work, take care of kids. They didn’t have the right to vote, or the right to go out and work, to make money for them. But as time changes, people learned to value the importance of human. Given the opportunity, women can do as much work as men and sometimes even better. According Judith Harlan in Feminism, â€Å"In this generation women are studying at West Point and winning Rhodes scholarships, and they expect to earn equal pay for equal work.† Families that have both the men and women working tend to earn more money and family as a whole seems to prosper. Women these days can do everything that men do. From construction workers to being C.E.O. in the bank, women have achieved success in e very field. Women like Madam Curie, Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks have made world a better place to live in. Yet discrimination against women remains persistent in areas like economic discrimination, reproductiveShow MoreRelatedThe Cultural Crossroads Of The Americas794 Words   |  4 Pagesapartment. Now, imagine waking up to the uncertainty of where your next meal will come from. These two distinct scenarios represent modern day American and historic America inhabited by Native American Indians. Bob Haozous plays on these two scenarios in an art installation that portrays two sides of American history. The left is depicted through three hunter-gatherers with tools and performing cultural rituals. The right side is depicted through tall buildings and symbols that represent American cultureRead MoreHistory And Its Impact On America1289 Words   |  6 PagesMany points in history are very important because of how they happened and what effects those historical events made possible in t he future. 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